Stainless Steel Kidney Dish



Stainless steel kidney dish for use in a mortuary or laboratory.

Ideal for placing instruments in during post mortem ready for disinfecting.

Dress your scene with real equipment used by professionals to create authenticity.

other sizes available for purchase or hire


One of the most common post mortem instruments is the autopsy scalpel, a sharp surgical blade used to make incisions and dissect tissues during the examination process. Autopsy scissors are another crucial tool that allows for precise cutting and separation of tissues and organs. These instruments come in various sizes and shapes to accommodate different types of incisions and dissections.

Post mortem forceps are used to handle tissues and organs delicately during the examination to avoid damage and contamination. These forceps are designed with serrated tips for a secure grip and precise manipulation of tissues. Additionally, post mortem probes and hooks are used to explore wounds, cavities, and organs for evidence of trauma or disease.

Saws and knives are employed to open the skull and chest cavity during autopsies, allowing access to the brain and internal organs for examination. These instruments are designed to make clean and precise cuts while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues. Rib shears are used to cut through the ribs for chest cavity access without damaging internal organs.

Post mortem instruments also include specialized tools such as toxicology kits for collecting samples for drug and poison analysis, as well as body bags and tags for proper storage and identification of the deceased.

In conclusion, post mortem instruments play a crucial role in the accurate and thorough examination of deceased individuals. These tools are designed with precision and care to ensure that forensic investigations are conducted effectively and respectfully, providing valuable information for the determination of the cause of death and the administration of justice.


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